What Is Mixed Martial Arts?

Mixed Martial Arts can be broken down into two main components, striking and grappling. Ascension MMA Cumming centers the striking aspect of Mixed Martial Arts around disciplines like Kickboxing and Muay Thai; Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Wrestling cover the grappling component. Bringing these two together not only creates a dominant method of self-defense but also enables an intense workout to keep you in shape.

Our Mixed Martial Arts Objective

By bringing together a multitude of different Martial Arts disciplines, we hope to equip our students with a truly efficient method of real-world self-defense. Learning a single martial arts discipline for self-defense doesn’t prepare anyone for real-world applications. For example, solely learning Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu would neglect the striking aspect of real-world self-defense while strictly learning Muay Thai would overlook the grappling component. Our goal at Ascension MMA is to fill the gaps and prepare our students for an actual situation where self-defense may be necessary. The intense workout that corresponds with learning Mixed Martial Arts is just serendipitous. 

What To Expect From Our Mixed Martial Arts Classes

At Ascension MMA, we make sure our program caters to everyone. Our gym’s curriculum encompasses teaching the most effective striking skills, reliable total-body control and coordination, efficient timing for any situation, and relevant real-world grappling skills.  With the recent rise in popularity of Mix Martial Arts, many programs have created classes that aren’t challenging or rigorous. This has created the unintended problem of people becoming bored as they go through the motions. That’s not how we roll here at Ascension MMA. We ensure that our class helps everyone work all the muscles in their body, with a focus on high-energy workouts and dynamic athleticism. Our program allows you to both build your skillset and get in great shape.

Don't Miss Out On This Opportunity! 

Here at Ascension MMA, our program is geared towards setting everyone up for success from day one, with a significant focus on practical self-defense skills, total-body fitness, and boosted self-confidence in everyday life. This class won’t be easy, but easy things aren’t worth keeping.